What Is an Apicoectomy and Why Do I Need One?
A root-end surgery, also known as apicoectomy (apico- + -ectomy), root resection, retrograde root canal treatment or root-end filling, is an endodontic surgical procedure where a tooth‘s root tip is removed and a root-end cavity is prepared and filled with a biocompatible material.
Microsurgical endodontics — dental surgery using a microscope — may be performed.
This type of procedure may be necessary when a conventional root canal therapy has failed and a retreatment was already unsuccessful or is not advised. Our endodontists use microsurgical techniques, such as a dental operating microscope, micro instruments, ultrasonic preparation tips and calcium-silicate–based filling materials, to perform this surgery.
Removal of the root tip is indicated to ensure no uncleaned tooth structure is missed. Many factors affect the likelihood of success of an apicoectomy, and the goal of treatment is to prevent loss of teeth that would otherwise be extracted.